ALL memberships will be due September 1st of each twirling year.
Excerpt from the Official Rule Book of Drum Majorettes of America:
Rule # 2: Membership
Membership in Drum Majorettes of America is a privilege and only persons considered worthy of membership will be admitted. Applications for membership in D.M.A. may be rejected for cause at the discretion of the Executive Director of D.M.A. Membership is otherwise open to all regardless
of race, color, creed, or national origin.
Price Update as of September 4th, 2024:
1. Regular Full Membership is $20.00 per year.
2. Post Membership -- $15.00 per year. To qualify for Post rates, ten (10) persons must join at one time and a minimum of ten must maintain membership on a constant basis. Post memberships are offered to benefit Teams and Corps.
3. Family Membership -- $20.00 for the first family member, $17.50 for the second family member, and $15.00 for each additional family member - per year. To qualify for this rate, all must belong to the same immediate family and reside in the same household.
4. Teachers and Judges Membership -- Teachers $25.00 per year and Judges $35.00 per year. If paid together $50.00 per year.
DATE: ________________ TWIRLING YEAR: ________________
Regular Membership:
___ $20.00
Post Membership:
___ $15.00 each
Family Membership:
___ $20.00 for the 1st ___ $17.50 for the 2nd ___ $15.00 (each) for each additional family member.
Teacher: ___ $25.00 Judge: ___ $35.00 BOTH: ___ $50.00
NAME: ___________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________________ STATE: _______________
ZIP CODE: ____________
EMAIL ADDRESS: _________________________________________________
TELEPHONE: _____________________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH: __________________ TEACHER: ____________________
**We cannot accept payment online at this time so all payments should be sent to the address provided for memberships.
To request membership with D.M.A., complete the application form and forward both the form (print out or you can type up the information below and send it with payment for membership) and a check made payable to D.M.A. to the following address:
Attn: Membership Application
Drum Majorettes of America
C/O Diane Sorvillo
P.O. Box 549
Odessa FL, 33556
Telephone: 352-212-6077